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Don Bosco Matadi - Monrovia

Home for the young


BEST WISHES for Christmas celebrations  to you all  dear friends  of  the Mission.
Every year we rejoice for the   realization of the words of the father of John the Baptist: “... in his tenderness and mercy our God will visit us as the rising sun.” (Lc. 1.78), and  of the elderly Simeon  prophecy  as Mary and Joseph  presented  the child to the temple  “... the Light to enlighten the nations” (Lk. 2:32).
It  is a great gift of God for us all to celebrate  Christmas  here in Monrovia. More than 5,000 people out of 4 million  in Liberia have lost their lives because of Ebola infection. Unfortunately, many more have died in neighbouring countries of Sierra Leone and Guinea.
Latest news gives hope for a better control of the infection by the health authorities. Even good news comes from the preparation of the vaccine.
We have to thank all the doctors and health workers who generously and courageously give their service for the care of the sick and  of  the dignified burial of the dead. A large number of them have paid with their lives for this generosity. Also thanks to all the benefactors who assist us with prayers and economically in order to remain in Liberia and be close to them with information, prevention, support with food and sanitation materials. Not only those who have contracted the infection but all the poorest families and categories such as the elderly, the blind, the sick, young people ... bear the consequences of  one year of contagious and of the long period of  emergency.
May the celebration of Christmas  be  for us   the acknowledgment and the testimony that the tenderness and mercy of God is always present and active  and  be for all  light  that dispels the darkness  of  the evil  and of the shadow of death .
May Don Bosco continue to inspire us in taking care of the youngest and of the most in need with the same love of Mary and Joseph.
Fraternal wishes again for this Christmas and  the New Year.

Don Nicola  Ciarapica
Christmas 2014





25th December, 2014 by don Nicola Ciarapica





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